Akili’s achievements were lauded in the DestinyMan’s November/December 2018 issue.

This Pretoria-based award-winning biotech start-up developed a low cost rapid medical diagnostic solution used for diagnosing viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

The start-up was founded in 2017 by Lucas Lotter and Charles Faul. Akili has attracted international attention by wining multiple awards that include first place at the GAP BioScience 2017 and best prototype at Innovation Bridge SA 2018. Akili’s impact in the start-up tech community led to Charles and Lucas being invited to participate at the 2018 Collision Conference in New Orleans, USA, where they exhibited their flagship product, the Field Lab, a confirmatory mobile diagnostics lab.

The Field Lab is a low-cost lab-in-a-box solution that aims to provide medical diagnostics to remote areas, decreasing the time and cost of analysis, and the burden on logistics and healthcare systems across African and the like.

In their November/December 2018 issue, DestinyMan highlighted Charle’s unique blend of computer science and biotechnology skills and how these enabled him to revolutionise the medical analysis industry.

I looked towards the future and saw two emerging fields which have the power to change the world, computer science and biotechnology.

Charles Faul

In his conversation with DestinyMan, he also highlights the power of IoT, an emerging and fast-growing field that is increasingly being adopted into hardware tech. IoT communication and the data it generates will enable the intelligence needed to more proactively respond to health care requirements, especially in remote areas. Akili is the embodiment of using mobile technology to reach the underserved, providing the much needed rapid-point-of-care facilities.

This is an adaptation of an article from the DestinyMan November/December issue (inserted below).

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