Energy-Shift (PVT)

Partnered: 2018
Sector: Renewable Energy
Industry: Green Economy
Product: Solar PV-T modules
Market Size: (G) USD1B Solar PV market
Stage: Technology Development
Team: Cheryl Prior, Lee Prior

About Energy-Shift (PVT)

Energy Shift has designed components that are able to connect to any standard PV panel, thereby converting the PV installation to a full-blown PV-T installation. This significantly reduces the need for new capital expenditure on PV-T where companies already have PV systems installed.

It also reduces the overall cost of a new PV-T installation by combining the retrofitted Energy Shift technology with standard PV technology, which unlike the newer integrated PV-T technology, has already been largely commoditised.

Value Proposition

Energy Shift was founded in 2018 and on the back of the proprietary thermal solution invented by Lee Prior.


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