Boost Mechanics

Founded: 2014
Partnered: 2022
Sector: Transport and Logistics
Industry: Automobile industry
Product: High efficiency Turbocharger
Market Size: (SA) ZAR 9 billion (G) R 1 Trillion
Differentiation: High efficiency turbocharger and engine modification tailored for unique customer conditions.
Investment Stage: Seed
Stage: Venture & Grow Locally
Team: Ipeleng Mathebula

About Boost Mechanics

Boost Mechanics is a hardware technology start-up that was founded by Ipeleng Mathebula in 2014. Boost Mechanics seeks to solve the problem of skyrocketing fuel cost by designing a high efficiency turbocharger which results in a significant decrease in operational costs for fleet owners.

Boost Mechanics was the winner of the Green Youth Indaba competition (2016) and a semi-finalist at the Global Cleantech Innovation Program (2016). The company was part of Swiss Venture Leaders cohort (2016) in 2016 and top 5 in the Xi’an International Entrepreneurship competition (2017). The company attracted a Sustainable Road Freight sponsor to present internal combustion research at Cambridge University in the UK (2019), which later established an academic partnership with Wits in 2020 for establishing the human capital pipeline of combustion engine professionals.

Value Proposition

The rising fuel prices put an additional pressure on the already high fuel expenditure of fleet owners, resulting in a need for fuel efficient engines. Boost Mechanics seeks to remedy this problem by installing a high efficiency turbocharger and modifying the engine to work under specific conditions. This means that the solution is tailored to meet unique customer needs.


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